#TogetherAtHome watch party and live chat
Sunday March 22
5pm film 6pm chat (GMT)
Join us on Mother’s Day Sunday March 22 to watch and discuss a film so we can be #TogetherAtHome in a #ReclaimTheFrame way.
The film The Body Beautiful is just 24 mins and free to view on BFI Player – watch before 6pm GMT
Then Connect with us on Zoomat 6.oopm for an online discussion about THE BODY BEAUTIFULhosted by Birds’ Eye View’s
director Mia Bays and the RECLAIM THE FRAME team afterwards. We’ll also be joined by the film’s executive producer Kate Ogborn.
It’s a gem of a film from 1990; by Ngozi Onwurah, the first Black woman to make a British theatrical feature film (the 1995 afrofuturist film Welcome II The Terrordome – also on BFI Player and well worth a watch):
This autobiographical narrative redefines female beauty and sexuality by reflecting on filmmaker Ngozi Onwurah’s relationship with her mother. Onwurah’s discovery of her sexual appeal as a young model is combined with an intimate account of her mother Madge’s experience of desexualisation after having a mastectomy. The cinematic treatment of the female body challenges viewers to acknowledge the rarely-seen sexuality and desire of (mature) women, outside of dominant beauty standards.
Watch the film any time between now and 6pm (GMT) Sunday 22 March, click here to watch.
Why watch? More than ever, many of us are missing our mothers : because we cannot currently see them, because they’ve already left us and we wish they were here to go through this catastrophe together, or because we are mothers and we are worried about how to be one right now….To join us it’s simple:
Sign up on BFI Player – it’s free and simple to join
Cue up the film to watch before 6pm GMT this Sunday
Click on the Zoom link and up to 100 people can join the conversation, details as follows: https://zoom.us/j/533337435?pwd=Z2R6SFpIcUMxK3dnWWV4Ym14Z2V4Zz09 Meeting ID: 533 337 435 Password: 039906
(If you don’t have a Zoom account, you can set one up here– allow time to do so before the discussion)
Things to bring to the discussion:
What the film made you think about, feel, reflect upon
Thoughts on motherhood now
Thoughts on motherhood and woman hood then (1990s)
Whatever you want to share about how you’re feeling about motherhood in relation to the film – about your own experience, about your mother etc.
Join the discussion on social using #TogetherAtHome and #ReclaimTheFrame
We hope you can join us for what we hope is one of the first of many new online events.
The Birds’ Eye View Team
Reclaim The Frame is funded by the BFI, awarding funds from the National Lottery.
With thanks to our industry partners.