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FILMONOMICS: Mega Distributor vs Kickstarter

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This sessions explores the different models available to finance your film – from mega distributors to crowd funding.

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– Dave Shear (Head of Theatrical Distribution, Revolver)

– Joel Kennedy (VP of Worldwide Acquisitions, Entertainment One UK)

– Sarah Mosses (Film Producer and Distribution Impact Strategist)

– Amanda Pyne (Finance, Distribution and Recoupment specialist)

– Mia Bays, CHAIR  (Creative Producer)


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Reclaim The Frame champions marginalised perspectives in cinema, and connects with audiences through community building and conversation. 

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© Reclaim The Frame is the trading name of Birds’ Eye View Films a registered charity (no. 1105226)
Registered Office:  3Space International House 6 Canterbury Crescent London SW9 7QD


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